
City: Osimo (20 Km SW of Ancona)


Lat/Long: 43 482 60N latitude, 013 500 82E longitude

The beaches along the coast around the Mountain Conero, as see on www.turismonumana.it
The beaches along the coast around the Mountain Conero, as see on www.turismonumana.it

Views of the Osimo city.

The fascinating and articulated run of caves, assembled in the subsoil of the historical center of Osimo, as see on www.medioevoinumbria.it/StandardPage/1012/Osimo-sotterranea.aspx
The fascinating and articulated run of caves, assembled in the subsoil of the historical center of Osimo, as see on www.medioevoinumbria.it/StandardPage/1012/Osimo-sotterranea.aspx